Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals is a video game expansion pack for Zoo Tycoon 2 released October 17, 2007. The expansion focuses around extinct animals, mainly dinosaurs or ice age creatures, as well as more recently extinct creatures like the dodo, thylacine and quagga.
This expansion pack follows the other expansion packs, Endangered Species, African Adventure and Marine Mania. Extinct Animals replaces and includes the animals and objects from the earlier Dino Danger Pack premium download. This expansion is similar to the Dinosaur Digs expansion of the first Zoo Tycoon
The game's tagline is "bring 'em back."
Minimum System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 98SE or Higher
- PC with 733 MHz equivalent or higher processor
- 256 MB of system RAM
- 900 MB available hard disk space
- 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
- 16 MB 3D video card required
- DirectX 9.0 or later
- Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Screen Shoot
Via Mediafire
Pass : catatanmathin
For Download Zoo Tycoon 2
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